Friday, March 17, 2017

$150.00 in Wax. Worth it.

End of the day. Feet are up finally. Not for long. Being on a special olympics team is the epitome of having meetings. After 9:00 here and a meeting shortly, it's early in SO time, and we do need to know exactly the plan for the following day. Every coach has a job and it ebbs and flows through the day to be sure have have coverage where we need it.  Attention to detail is key and our crew is pretty good at it.

Tomorrow is Opening Ceremonies about 1/2 hr away. That follows a nearly full day of racing. The schedule is tight and I think almost unrealistic we can meet it (as everything is out of our hands as a cross country team). Compete, dress for early dinner, load bus an hr later, then bus. Stand in line in the rain (forecasted for the next two days) then march into the outdoor stadium nearly last, with the host country a short bit behind us.  Live on ABC at 1:00 (I think) and should last two hrs.  Tired by the end, yep.

Today went well, with temps in the 50s, wax was crucial, and we had the 5km on deck. Out comes the really expensive stuff. You don't want to know-cocaine is cheaper.  But for our top skiers, it's worth it when skiing is mush corn snow.  Quickly, it became apparent I hadn't planned don these temps and the supply of waxes cover +1-10 c would be out by the following day. Luckily there are ski shops in Ramsau, and a "company" credit card to restock.  A quick shopping trip after our busy day successfully procured the needed goods.  We should be in good shape the next few days.

Okay, enough feet up time, off to meeting #3 today!